Friday, June 16, 2023

Vanilla Bean Ice cream, Coconut Rice Pilaf, Split Pea Soup

 Quick post before I go about my business for today....which basically includes gaming for the rest of the night and trying to get some steps in/work outs. So let's get started.

First up, I made Vanilla Bean Ice cream. I made this before but I completely forgot to post it. I mainly made this to make Cookie Dough ice cream- but my cookie dough didn't turn out and I have no idea why because I can make cookie dough in my sleep. So it just ended up being vanilla bean ice cream. I think this will be my go to vanilla ice cream- just because it stays creamy so much longer than the egg free vanilla ice cream in the Cuisinart recipe book. It's almost perfect except it's a tiny bit sweeter than I wanted it to be. Recipe is here.  I halved the recipe and only used 2 halves perfectly! 

Next up Coconut Rice Pilaf. This was so good! I had mine with jackfruit teriyaki style. The jackfruit was interesting- I feel like it absorbs salt more than I really wanted it too...This was probably one of the more complete vegan meals I have done. Would make the rice again for sure. I used a lower fat Coconut Milk and it still came out amazing. Recipe is here. 

And last up...split pea soup. It doesn't look that great but it tasted really nice! I left out the ham and it was still really flavorful. I think it dried out in the microwave which is why it looks really dry and cracked...whoops. I promise it was good! I pureed in the Vitamix because the texture is way nicer than what cooked split peas usually do on their own. It looks gross but I promise it's not. Recipe is here. 

And that's all!! 

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