Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Patti Labelle

It's time for a music post. This time we are talking Patti. I always want to call her Patti Cake. A few years back I did a post on the Labelle it's time to talk about Patti as a solo artist.

For years my Mom used to tell me Patti was my Dad's favorite...and it took another few years for me to realize it wasn't true. He definitely has a couple of her albums but I don't really remember him ever playing them. IDK where my Mom got that from. I think she just likes making stuff up sometimes to see if we believed her because she did it often.

Now when I think about Patti, I think about a few of her songs and those Sweet Potato Pies. Remember this video that sold so many Patti Pies? It even had me wanting to try it. I think I did, and I think  I thought it was nasty. But I grew up on my Dad's homemade Sweet Potato there's that.

But back to the music. We'll start with my favorite. If Only You Knew. I think someone took down all the quality older live clips so we will stick with the Record version. I love, love, love this song. And the money notes? Yes!!!!

Next favorite is Love, Need, and Want You. Sounds really familiar if you listened to Dilemma with Kelly and Nelly. Once I heard this song, it was over for that one. Classic.

Next up, You Are My Friend. I just love songs about Friendship. This one is particularly beautiful.

Next Up, On My Own. Is this one of her most popular songs? Years ago I remember someone joking you really can't understand Michael McDonalds words. And you really can't 😂😂😂

I was first introduced to Somebody Loves You Baby from Fantasia's tribute. I love Patti and Fantasia together. From there I fell in love with the original song. 

And last but not least- New Attitude. Serving allllll the 80's. I just love it! 

Legend. That's all. 

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