It's too soon for a food post but I have three completed recipes so I'm just gonna go for it so I can keep on cooking.
Starting with Fergese. Or really a Fergese inspired dish. I am changing countries, I started with Afghanistan and now I am starting to cook a few Albanian dishes. Or in this case inspired. I wanted something more for dinner so I decided to puree the Ferges and make it into a sauce. It was amazing! Basically I roasted 5 red peppers, tomato, and onion. Then I cooked the flour, butter and melted down the feta. I was very unsure when I was melting down the feta, but it worked! I added garlic powder and the basil per the recipe. Then pureed it all together. It made the most delicious sauce/dip. Then I toasted some ciabatta bread, pan fried some chicken, and made some veggies! It came out so good. And I had a ton of the sauce leftover so today I made salmon and tossed some pasta in the sauce. I also toasted some bread, spread some on along with a fried egg. All that and I still have a little left! I should have taken more pics....

Then..I made a perfect cuppa. It came from the Unofficial Harry Potter cookbook. I skipped a bunch or recipes. The ice cream sundaes weren't real recipes...but I couldn't skip the tea. I love tea! And this recipe inspired me to buy a tea set. I've always wanted a fancy china set but had a hard time finding something I love enough to drop coins on. Until last month. So I bought a few pieces and have a few more on their way to me in the mail. I want to have tea parties. Afternoon tea parties. And that makes the child in me so happy! But back to the perfect cuppa. I just used a tea bag, and brewed tea in my tea pot. Filled the cream dish with milk and the sugar dish with sugar. And enjoyed my perfect cuppa. I loved every second of it and tea really does taste better out of fancy cups.
I hate Umbridge but I do love that she collects tea ware. I have been trying to start my own collection...👀😅
Last up,
Chicken and Lime soup. This was OK. An easy weeknight dinner but nothing particularly special. It tasted best warm-to cold....with lots of avocado. I think it coulda used a tad more flavor but that may have been been my fault as I only had one canned tomato with green chillis and used regular for the 2nd can. Not sure I would make it again. Maybe if I had the ingredients. I forgot to buy tortilla chips so I had it with garlic croutons. I did add sour cream and frozen avocados the first day because mine weren't ripe. I'm not a big fan of frozen avocado though...fresh it best.
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