Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Plant Therapy Coriander Leaf Essential Oil Review

 Blog time, blog time. It's so hot out that I'm even having a hard time wanting to blog. I just get sleepy and watch social media and then go to sleep hours later. I think I need to limit my social media time. I think I was starting to affect my attention span too.

Plant Therapy:

Freshen up your home and support a healthy immune system with Coriander Leaf Essential Oil. Great for DIY cleaners or adding to a deodorizing diffuser blend, this herbal oil offers powerful cleansing and purifying properties that can help keep the family healthy. Plus, its pungent, stimulating aroma may encourage feelings of focus and promote memory retention. When diluted and applied topically, Coriander Leaf offers a slight cooling sensation, making this a great addition to refreshing massage oil blends. 

The essential oil is steam-distilled from delicate, feathery Coriander leaves, which are most often referred to as the Spanish translation of Coriander, Cilantro, in the United States. While this essential oil may give off a bright and joyful aroma for cilantro lovers, it can just as easily be a repulsive aroma to others, sometimes referred to as soapy, metal-like, or musty. This curiously conflicting scent (and taste) perception is due to some individuals having an olfactory sensitivity to aldehydes, which Coriander leaves are rich in. With approximately 70% of Coriander Leaf Oil containing a variety of aldehydes, people with this sensitivity will likely have a very unique aromatic experience with this essential oil. 

But back to Coriander. Which this is just basically cilantro in oil form. Plant Therapy usually carries Coriander Seed Oil ( I think I would love that one) but this one is more unique and a harder to get oil. 

And I hate cilantro. I hate it so much. It's one of those herbs that you either love or hate. Whenever I have a recipe that calls for cilantro, it does not get added. If it's in something I'm eating I usually pick around it. There is no love for cilantro here.

I also find I don't really like the scent either. It smells like it tastes. Objectively, it can smell very fresh and and bright. But it does still remind me of eating I can't say that I like the the scent. I did read that it is an aldehyde scent- whichI found very interesting because many old school perfumes would be described as an aldehyde. Chanel No. 5 is probably one of the most iconic ones. I believe I read somewhere that it may be your genetics or a gene that relates to whether you like aldehydes/cilantro.  

So I'm reviewing it because I want it out of my collection. So I've tried making room sprays with it and mixing it with any scent Plant Therapy recommends but didn't really find anything I love it with. What I usually end up using it for is mopping. Even though I don't love the scent, I find it really freshens up the place and is fine in the kitchen and bathrooms. It's said to be a deodorizing, cleansing, and purifying oil which makes it perfect for cleaning. 

Some of it's other claims are helping memory retention and helping focus.

Another thing it claims to be great for is massage but I can't stand the scent so would probably never use it for that. 

There is a recipe for a soft scrub cleaning paste which I do want to try but I still have a tub of The Pink Stuff and I tend to collect cleaning products so I need to use up some of what I have before I go making/buying more. 

Unfortunately I don't like it, but I will use it up for cleaning and mopping. I don't like using my "good" oil so this is perfect for that. And also throwing it into the diffuser to freshen and boost everyone's immune system. I forgot to mention it's supposed to be good for that too! But overall, not anything I would ever purchase again.

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