I thought it might be fun to break up the constant reviews with something different. I've been reading the hair boards- of course- and one thing you always hear people mention is how back in the day their mom used grease and this or that and their hair was down to theirs butts. I really think it was the fact that when we were younger we always had plaits, didn't use relaxers or heat and that allowed the hair to flourish.
So that got me thinking back to what was used on me as a kid. I never had hair down to my butt. It got to a good length but it always shrunk so you can never tell how long my hair truly is. My hair is the same today, I embrace the shrinkage. It was definitely longer when I was younger...then it seemed really short in 5th/6th grade. Which is around the time I got a relaxer. I want to talk more about the relaxer in a another post...
First thing I remember was White Rain. I don't remember if my Mom used this often to wash my hair...but I remember the bottle when I was around 5/6 and that was when I was bored enough to just randomly read product packing.
I used to hate leaning over the tub to get my hair washed. Sometime later she switched to this- I think she used this more on my sister though...I remember the watermelon scent and the blue bottle the most. I didn't know they discontinued these now....
For conditioner- she loved this Mane and Tail one. Now that I think about it, I think she used the Shampoo sometimes too. I'm not sure if horses really use this stuff- but I guess the thinking is if it gives horses long thick, and shiny hair- why not use it? I don't know if it's truly used on horses or just marketing but I do remember buying it in high school and not liking it much. But I did have a relaxer then so maybe I should try it on my relaxed hair.

Next up detangler. . I was looking for this a few months back but it's long since discontinued. We always had a bottle of this in the cabinet. I thought the kids on the bottle were so cute growing up and loved their hair! I don't remember if it worked...but I did really love the way it smelled. I even remember the comb my Mom used to use- I feel like I saw it a few years back- it was a Goody Teal Comb with beige and white on the tips. I don't have the best memories of getting my hair detangled with it though- My Mom was ROUGH! I used to think I was tender-headed but I think she just didn't know how to be gentle.

And GREASE! Who doesn't have memories of getting their scalp greased. Getting your hair parted and then a healthy slather of grease. I ditched it after high school. But I did have a brief stint with Blue Magic grease. My Mom kept the BB Super Gro grease on hand- she used Sulfur 8 herself. I never really had scalp problems - no dryness and no itchiness...unless I used certain hair products. These days there are better oils- but I might buy a jar for nostalgia purposes if I see it in the store.
I think that about sums it up...very simple. I can't think of anything else used on my hair as a kid.
But I did want to share my new shower cap. I bought it from Regal Ivy. I usually use the cheap plastic ones for conditioning my hair- but I need a nice one for the next time I straighten my hair and I wanted a good quality one. This one is handmade in a beautiful color from a black owned company- Regal Ivy!
It has satin on the inside too which is in a pretty green shade- so you can wear it reversible. I'll be showering in style 😁
What do you remember using as a kid? Are the products still around?
UPDATED to add Tressemme! My Mom loved buying the big ol bottle's of Tresseme. I don't remember them working that well in my hair- but they seemed to work for her! Their conditioners always smelled like grout to me though.
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