Thursday, July 11, 2024

Lemon Garlic Fish and Dark Cherry Balsamic Dressing

 One more post before I call it a night- this time a food post. Today I have two super healthy looking plates- which is nice...but it's the right season to start making ice cream. So I made the base for some Salted Caramel ice cream just now and I'll churn it and make the salted caramel tomorrow. I can't wait!

 But today we have Quick Lemon Garlic Fish. I haven't bought much frozen fish- and I think I am just about done buying it. I have never made a dish with frozen fish that I have really liked and this is no exception. The parsley marinade was nice but not as good as the Italian Salsa Verde I made a couple months back. So I don't think I would make this over that. It just had so much more flavor. But this wasn't bad. It just wasn't memorable. Maybe I needed to add more salt? 

And then I made a Dark Cherry Balsamic Dressing. I made this the night before because I find these dressings tend to get better as they sit. I don't think this had much in the way of Dark Cherry flavor. It kind of tastes like the Raspberry one...I think it's the vinegar? It is nice. Nothing mind blowing- but it makes eating salad more interesting. I halved the recipe and still have a ton left- so I will be eating lots and lots of salad this coming week. I'm not sure how long these dressing last? I'm guessing longer than most because of the amount of oil and there is some sugar......

And that's all! Until next time.....

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