Thursday, September 26, 2024

Denman D38 The Detangling & Styling Paddle Brush Review

 I wanted yet another detangling brush to add to my small collection. It takes me forever to detangle my hair and even longer now that I am really trying to not rip through my hair. Sometimes it can't be avoided but on the whole I am so much more gentle than I used to be. I've been able to get my detangle sessions down to 45-50 minutes which is a big cut from the hour and half it used to take me. I still wish I could get through my hair quicker and I think that's why new detangling things appeal to me so much.

I have been seeing the Un-Brush everywhere...and I made myself choose between that one or this one this year. The Denman won. I watched a bunch of reviews and I like that the Denman is made in the UK, it's supposed to be sturdier and last longer than the Unbrush....and I am familiar with Denman. I have had my first Denman for well over 10 years. Possibly longer than 15. So I bought this one this year and may let myself pick up the Unbrush sometime next year. 

Denman claims: 

  • 3-in-1 brush with famous D3 pins for wet curl definition, detangling and fast blow-drying
  •  Perfect for longer length hair
  • Ideal for rapid and smooth blow-drying
  • The air-cushioned pad makes it comfortable on the scalp

TOP TIP: Rapid blow-drying to remove excess moisture

    Basically I picked this up because of youtube. There is a natural hair stylist that raves and raves about this brush which made me want it. I wanted to see if it worked as amazing on my hair as it seemed to work on everyone that sat in that stylists chair. 

It's definitely a nicely made brush- and what set's it apart from most brushes like this in the drugstore are there aren't any balls on the end of the teeth- which can snag on my hair type. It also isn't rigid and has a lot of give...the red part of the brush completely collapses which makes it more gentle on the hair. 

I haven't tested it for blow drying because I don't blow dry my hair often and I definitely don't have a regular dryer I can use on my hair like that. If I do get one and end up testing it like that, I'll update on how I liked it. 

I mostly use it to detangle. And I can definitely say there are other things I like better to get through my hair. It is gentle. Doesn't tug too much on my hair and it doesn't hurt my head at all. The way it sounds is a little unsettling. It does sound like it's ripping through my hair...but it's not. It just makes the oddest noise. I don't like to go directly in with the brush- I like to use a wide tooth comb first and then finger comb through tangles. Then I will go through with this brush but my hair doesn't feel truly detangled. So I have to go over it with the tangle teezer to make sure it's truly tangle and shed hair free. 

So that's three different tools I have to use when I use this to detangle since I just don't  like using it on its own. 

It's one I could take or leave. More likely leave. I am going to continue using may work better on a looser curl/less kinky hair though. I have type four (likely 4c hair) that loves to tangle on itself. I'll keep it for now, it could be I pass it along to my Mom or sister later on when I find something that works better in my hair.

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