Sunday, October 28, 2018

Check When Your Beauty Products Are Made I have an interesting post. Probably not interesting to most, but I thought so at least.

Especially if you shop at beauty discounts stores like TJ Maxx or discount websites like

1. Check Fresh- The first website is Check Fresh. You just put the product code  and most of the time you can get when the product was made. I think it even shows where the product was made.

2. Cosmetic Calculator- The next website is Cosmetic Calculator. If I can't get the information I'm looking for I check this one. Sometimes I'll check both sites just to compare.

There are a couple other websites I've come across but I haven't used them yet like www.check  I even saw an app called Beauty Keeper where you can keep track of your products and expiration dates. I don't think I would use it because there are definitely some products I keep on purpose past expiration. Oops!

Have you ever used a website like that to check when your product was made?

Would you?

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