Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Melon, Mint, and Feta Salad

I guess summer is officially over. I'm always sad to see summer go- mainly because summer is when you get all the best fruits. And I'm a fruitholic.

I pinned this recipe to try when melons were in season. And right now they are at their sweetest. 

I mostly prefer to just dig right in. Who has time to make fruit salads? 

I bought a cantaloupe. Although at first I wasn't going to. Because I'm not a fan of cantaloupe. Sometimes when it's super sweet I like them. But when given a choice I go for honeydew over cantaloupe every time!

This salad was super easy. Just slice the melons ( I should have used my melon baller!) and then add the mint. 

Before you eat it sprinkle a little feta cheese. 

Now the feta cheese was kinda weird. But it's not bad with the honeydew. I hated it with the cantaloupe though.

Mint is always nice and refreshing with fruit. I don't need it, but I don't mind it either.

Prolly wouldn't make it again. Nor do I highly recommend it.

I got the recipe from Budget Bytes in case you want to check it out yourself!

And silly me forgot a final pic- we will just pretend the cheese is sprinkled on top!

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