Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Tips To Boost Your Immunity through Flu Season

It's that season. You know the season where colds and flu just seems to travel from one person to another. I haven't been sick in a couple of years. Back in 2016 I started to catch a cold, but chased it away very quickly using some of the things I'm going to list in this post. In the last six years I've only been sick twice. Not too bad right?

These are three things I do to make sure I don't catch anything going around. 

1. Honey- Raw, quality honey only please. None of the Sue Bee honey. Local is great for allergies too. If I ever start feeling like I might be coming down with something, I take a tsp to tbsp of honey daily until I feel like whatever may have been about to hit me is gone. And I don't get anything. I don't know what magic it is, but it always works.

2. Lemon water- The honey works really well for me...but sometimes I just like a Vitamin C boost. I didn't have any honey and I was exposed to a cold or something a little while back so I juiced half a lemon and drank it in water. Every day for a week. And whatever it was I was exposed to....I didn't catch it. #winning

3. Eden's Garden Immunity Blend-  This is a recent discovery. My mom chose some oil blends to go in a little pack. And this oil was just hiding away until I decided to go ahead and diffuse it. And it has definitely chased would-be colds away.

 Bonus- It smells amazing! I think this might be must have and I'm thinking I'm gonna get a large bottle when this bottle is gone. 

And this one is common sense but always keep your hands clean. I carry a hand sanitizer with me. My favorite is the Dr. Bronner's Lavender. 

You never appreciate being able to breathe through your nose until it's stopped up. Hopefully these tips will make it so you don't have to!

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