Sunday, January 27, 2019

Chagrin Valley Haul

Way back in the day before I went natural I used to lurk on the natural hair boards. And I had a list full of different brands I wanted to try. Aubrey Organics, My Honey Child, Quest Biologics, Carols Daughter, Pooka, Oyin Handmade and on and on. All these years later and I haven't even tried half of the things I've wanted to. I was looking at the Anita Grant shampoo bars thinking about ordering another. I think they have jumped in price. And shipping can be quite pricey so I decided to order some shampoo bars from Chagrin Valley. 

 I bought three bars. I had no idea what to pick so I just ordered the very first three. 

Here's what I got:

1.  Ayurvedic Herb Shampoo Bar- Smells very earthy and kind of patchouli like. I think this is the first one I will use when I get through my old bottle of shampoo. 

2. Babassu Marsh Mallow Shampoo Bar- I'm familiar with Babassu in shampoo bars as I think that was the first kind I tried from Anita Grant. Now that Ive gone through a mini bottle of Babassu oil-it smells exactly like the oil. I'm not a fan of the scent but if it does good things for my hair, I can deal with it. 

3. Butter Bar Shampoo- This one smells the best. It smells like natural soap and cocoa butter. I'm very excited about trying it out!

And they were kind enough to put in TWO samples. I wasn't expecting them at all but I'm really impressed with the samples and the fact that they shipped so quickly. Here's the two samples I got:

Oatmeal Spice Soap-  I love the way it smells. Like Oatmeal and Honey. In a very natural way. I can't wait to use it. And it's quite a generous sample!

Honey Butter Soap- Not really much a scent except the natural scent of soaps. I'm guessing all the butters in the soap will make it super hydrating! We shall see. 

It will probably be a couple months before I get the reviews up since I like to really test stuff out before reviewing. But definitely be on the lookout! 

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