Sunday, January 27, 2019

King Arthur Flour Gruyere Stuffed Crusty Loaves

There was a blog that was in my rotation but it was somehow deleted. So I needed something to replace it. I want to master bread baking. It's been one of my goals for awhile. I even checked out a book on artisan bread from the library a couple of years ago. But I didn't really bake anything from it. I've decided to try to bake something new from the King Arthur website every couple of weeks. Starting with Gruyere stuffed crusty loaves.

I don't think I've ever made cheese bread. Or tried Gruyere cheese either. So I was excited to make this. 

I thought it would be complicated but it was very easy and had a lot of hands off time. I feel like I literally threw it together.

I ended up with four loaves. The bread was nice and crusty. But I wasn't a big fan of the cheese. I could probably make it again and replace the cheese with another type though. Easy fix. 

I didn't take pics of the process. But I did find a vid of on King Arthurs youtube page. 

In case you want to check the recipe for it is!

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