Tuesday, February 26, 2019

DIY Strawberry Yogurt Mask

I've been really into masking these days. A couple of weeks ago I made flax seed gel for my hair. And I had some leftover so I made a mask out of it. I should have done a post on that mask but I'm sure I will make it again so will probably make a post then.

This time, I had some strawberries and plain yogurt and thought why not do a mask. I've turned into a  mask DIY-er. Who needs store bought mask when you can go in your kitchen and make the most amazing masks?

Yogurt is supposed to be great for your skin. Hydrating, smoothing, the different acids gets rids of dead skin, and it helps make your skin glow.

Strawberries have naturally occurring salicylic acid which is good for acne. And they also pack a Vitamin C punch. So I just mashed a strawberry with a little yogurt and applied to my face. 

It smells so good. I was in strawberry heaven for quite awhile since I left in on for at least 30 minutes. Maybe more.

I don't know if I noticed brighter skin. But my skin was much smoother for sure.

I loved it. I think next time I would add some honey or clay as well and see how I like that. 

Definitely would make this again and if you happen to have the ingredients I think this is one you should try too! 

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