Thursday, April 4, 2019

Indeep- Last Night a DJ Saved My Life

I kind of thought this song was less well known but after looking it up and finding it has over 30 million views I couldn't be more wrong. 

I first heard this song as a remake on the Glitter soundtrack. Ya'll remember Glitter? I watched it when it came out and pretty much forgot the whole movie a day later. It had the worst reviews. Critics hated it. I recently watched it again because I wanted to see what my adult mind thought of it. It wasn't a good movie. The writing was awful. And the acting couldn't save it because that was awful too. But anyway, I listened to the soundtrack a lot when I was younger and I was floored when I found Last Night a DJ saved my life was a remake. 

I like the original best though.

I hear they were a one hit wonder but I haven't listened to their other music to be able to tell.

Anyway, give it a listen! 

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