Thursday, May 23, 2019

Roberta Carter King

I don't really know what to call this post. I just wanted to take the time today to share pictures of my grandma. Blog Therapy (for me) and celebrating my grandmother's life by sharing a couple of my favorite pictures of her.

She came into the world as Roberta Carter. 

This is an old picture..I don't have much background information on it. I just snapped a picture of it last year when we were in Georgia and visited the home she grew up in. 

This is her high school graduation picture. Isn't she pretty?

Her wedding picture. The day she became Mrs. Roberta King by marrying my grandfather. I never got to meet him because he passed away before I was born. I love this picture!

This is a later picture. I don't know when. But look at that smile! 

There's so much more I could write. My Grandma was the most laid back person ever. She literally was always just chilling. Except occasionally she could give some of the craziest looks. I've been told I can make some faces and now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure some of the looks I give are just like hers. On the opposite end, she really did have a smile that lit up her whole face and the room. 

But that's all, I just wanted to share some pictures and had no idea what to title it. Sometimes there just aren't words. 

Music can help. Yolanda's Fragile Heart is a beautiful song that makes me feel sad/emotional/slightly better?. The Lyrics are beautiful. It's really hard to listen to now. But I thought I would share it anyway.

Also, I'll share this one. My Grandmas hands spent a lot of time volunteering in church and cooking food for the hungry. She made some bomb cakes-my favorite being the Red Velvet Cake!  And my Dad says when he was growing up she could turn anything into a meal with not a lot of money. 

If I could just talk to her one more time, I would thank her for raising my Dad so well! My Dad really is the best Dad ever and if it weren't for her, I wouldn't have been blessed with him. 

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