Saturday, June 8, 2019

Chili Roasted Broccoli

I’m falling behind in my food posts again... so I’ll be posting more often than usual in an effort to catch up. Today, my favorite side. No matter what I cook my go to seems to be steamed broccoli. This recipe made me finally try my go to veggie in a different way. 

And I actually like roasted broccoli. Much better than steamed. It had great flavor too with all the seasoning. My sister made my Montreal Seasoning blend because I was busy frying up some chicken for Honey Chipotle Chicken Crispers. It’s a copy cat recipe from Chili’s and so worth making. Comes out exactly like the one at chili’s and one of the best fried chicken strips recipe you can make. 

You can find both recipes linked below:

I highly recommend both and would definitely make them again!

My picture isn’t the best but you get the idea!

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