Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Orange Ginger Chicken

Who loves orange chicken?  (I asked this in my Kel voice).

I do. I love orange chicken. So I was excited to try this. During my freshman year of college I become hooked on orange chicken. The fried kind of course. I loved it so much I even made a copy cat recipe when I got back home. Back in those days I was a beginner cook so it was quite an accomplishment when I found I preferred the homemade version over the one I would get for take out. 

It was bomb. 

This is a healthy orange chicken. With lots of ginger punch. It was OK to me. I feel like if I'm going to put in the work I want the fried chicken coated in the sticky sweet orange sauce. But it was nice. My family liked it.

The chicken came out super juicy and tender. Idk if it was because of my skills or the recipe. I'm gonna just say it was my skills. 

I made a double batch to take to work. Makes excellent leftovers. 

But too much work for something I Although it is supposed to be quick and easy, I find grating ginger and orange peel to be time consuming.

I had mine with my go to sides...broccoli and rice. 

I got the recipe from a blog called Foxes Loves Lemons. Click here for the recipe! 

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