Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Zum Bar Soap Haul

I'm so tired I can't even see straight. But I have to stay up anyway because I'm getting my lunch ready for tomorrow.

So a soap haul.

I've finally found a company I like ordering the Zum soaps from. I tried their own website and also Iherb which makes you pay shipping and it takes forever for to actually receive my stuff. Ordering from the company that makes them means the soaps come quickly...but I hate paying so much for shipping and waiting for the flat rate is kind of annoying.

So I found Soap Hope, which is a company that gives back. And has free shipping!  I wish I had found them sooner and see myself ordering a ton more. 

Anyway...this is what I got...

Zum Tea Tree Citrus, Eucalyptus, Cedar, Geranium

Zum Anise Lavender, Citrus Mint, Rosemary, Frankincense and Myrrh 

And last but not least...Lemongrass.

I got a lot of one note soaps. Usually I skip them because they always seem so boring but I want to try them all, so it was necessary. 

Reviews coming soon! 

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