Saturday, August 24, 2019

Plant Therapy Cool Essential Oil Blend Review

Did I tell you I joined Plant Therapy's oil of the month club? I kept thinking about it and thinking about it, then finally decided to just do it. I hated seeing all the cool oils I was missing out on by not joining! I think I've been a member for about three months and I'm loving it. I've been doing a lot of packing over the last couple of days and my diffuser has been going, going, going! 

I think I got this in last month's shipment. And it's already gone. I left it down in the living room. I'm pretty sure that's when most of it was diffused.

Plant Therapy claims: 
Our Cool blend features the refreshing minty notes of Peppermint, the fresh, woody herbaceous aroma of Rosemary and the lemony citrus scents of May Chang and Lemon. The result is a cool, refreshing, lemony mint aroma that can be just the pick-me-up you need.

So this was part of the Inner Peace set. It came in the cutest little packaging and you got THREE 5 ml oils. Of course, I decided to use up the one that wasn't my very favorite first. And also I think Cool is such a nice summer blend because of the combination of mint and citrus so I wanted to get a lot of use from it while it was still hot out! 

I for sure picked up on the mint. It definitely has a cooling effect...cause it's mint. Couldn't pick up on the Rosemary. But I find Rosemary just seems to disappear into other scents. Rosemary and mint together equals concentration heaven though.

I'm not sure what May Chang smells like. I feel like I can kind of pick it out. It's a citrus scent I think. Kind of like  Lush Sexy Peele soap ( I think). I kind of get the lemon too! It's subtle.

I wish I had made a rollerball with is before I used it up, because I think this would have been the perfect work pick me up blend to put in a roller ball. 

It's not my absolutely favorite scent combination...but it has it's purposes. I liked it and I wasn't mad that it was included in the little set. 

I have to share this song on the post. Every time I look at the bottle I hear "This is For the Cool" by Babyface in my head.

Love that song! 

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