Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Janet Jackson

Let's have Janet Jackson day. I love Janet Jackson. Really, Really.

From her days on Good Times- so adorable. I don't think she should have had any plastic surgery. 

To present.

Although I don't think she can sing... I think she's a decent actor, one of the best dancers, and one of the best entertainers to ever do it. 

So let's get started..I'm going to share my must have Janet playlist. Get ready...cause it's long.

First up the most iconic Janet Jackson video ever (to me), Pleasure Principle. I remember watching the video in middle school on VH1. Love the songs and the music video. You can see how this video inspired artists like Ciara and Aaliyah..

Next up..Control. I slept on this song for years until I bought the song on Dance Central. And would you look at Wilona playing her moms again?  I love, love, love this song.

Anytime, Anyplace is my JAM! I thought it would have higher views. I know they still play this one on the radio.

Who doesn't love Rhythm Nation. Another ICONIC video and song. And I love the lyrics. Music with conscious lyrics. You already know I'm here for it!

That's the Way Love Goes is another iconic one. They still play this one quite bit on the radio. One of my favorites.

What Have You Done For Me Lately always has me pumping my shoulder EXTRA hard. Also..the "Yes Honey, I love him, he is fuinnnnne, he does a lot of nice things for me" takes me OUT. I love the song and video so much!

 Escapade is on the list. I love this song.

Of course...Miss You Much is in the mix. So many of her songs just put me in a happy, upbeat, mood. This song included, even though it's a song about missing someone!

Nasty is my Jam. "No my first name ain't baby, it's Janet. Miss Jackson if your Nasty". My fave line.

Next up...Alright. I love this song. It's a nice feel good, happy song. I had the cassette ( yes I did) and I wore that sucker out. Wish I still had it. She's looks like a whole female MJ in this video.

Love this one too!  Some of those dance moves look a little familiar, no? Some of the videos seem to not want to post so if it doesn't..this one is When I Think of You.

Black Cat was my jam. I like how she really experimented with her sound.

Together Again wasn't a song I loved until I saw the music video. I love, love, love this video. How can you not be in a good mood after seeing/listening?

Of course, Doesn't Really Matter makes the list. Although...I have to admit I have no idea what the heck she is saying in this song. I finally looked up the lyrics and they are totally different than what I sing, when I sing along. I think she has one of the prettiest smiles ever though.

That's some hairstyle...but I really like this song. The video is pretty cool too. This one is Got Til It's Gone.

Other songs in my Janet Jackson playlist;

I Get Lonely
So Excited
Love Will Never Do Without You
Someone to Call My Lover- I didn't like this one when it came out. It was back when I watched a lot of MTV and I always changed the channel when it came on. I love it now!
All For You- My first time listening to Janet Jackson and knowing who she was. They wore this song and video out when I was in the sixth grade. I almost bought the album but didn't.

I tried to make this post a little shorter...not as video heavy. But I couldn't. Like I said..I ♥️ Janet Jackson! Does she still perform in concert? I think I need to go see her....

I've seen some of her concert clips and they are...let's just say WOW!

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