Thursday, December 5, 2019

Jazmine Sullivan

I believe one of the last CD's I bought was Jazmine Sullivan. That was probably ten years ago. I'm pretty sure it was my sophomore year of college during Christmas break. I was in Wall-Mart that day with a purpose. I kept hearing clips of Lions, Tigers, and Bears on TV and HAD to have the CD. I love that song. 

And I love Jazmine Sullivan. I feel like she writes songs I can really connect with. There's not a lot of artists out that do that for me these days. It's been awhile since she's come out with a CD and I am very impatiently waiting. 

The first song I probably heard from her was Bust Your Windows. It always reminds me of my college days when me and my friend thought someone I was dating was playing me. My friend (she was crazy) was like "girl...let's go over to his place and flatten his tire, bust out those windows"  But only three tired. That way he can't claim them on his insurance. We were gonna dress in all black and go at night. We didn't do it. But it was kind of fun planning it. Good Times.

Forever Don't Last is my song. But it took a minute to grow on me. It's pretty much my attitude towards relationships. *shrug. Give me great speakers, a dark room, and I will be all in my my feelings with this one.

Holding You Down (Goin' In Circles) is my song. She really knows how to sample music. But yeah...I've been stuck in circles before, for a lot longer than I care to admit. Now that I'm 30 I'm done wit em.  DONE.

Of course, Lions, Tigers, and Bears is on the playlist. The Lyrics are me.

Excuse Me is might be my favorite song. I listened to it like 6 times in a row last week. It should have been released as a single. I love, love, love it. I mean..I really love it. 😍

Need U Bad is my JAM! 🎵 Bad as heartbeat, bad like the food I eat, bad like the air I breathe. 🎶 I need her to get back in the studio with Missy.

Brand New stays on repeat. They really do get brand new. But that's OK. When they get brand new, you get brand new. Ok.

Let it Burn was another that took me a minute to really get into. I Love After 7 and I kept singing Ready Or Not when it came on. I don't think I really loved the song until they did a tribute and she sang this and then After 7 sang Ready or Not.

And last song..but not least. Because this is another song I connect with. I can play this 20 times in a row and love it more than the last time I played it.

Other Songs on My J. Sullivan playlist;
After the Hurricane
Call Me Guilty

I love Jazmine Sullivan. I remember someone tried to tell me I looked like her. She's gorgeous. I don't look like her.

But I really need her to release a new album. It's been four very long years.

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