Sunday, January 19, 2020

Jennifer Hudson

Time to get some blogging in. I'm doing my Sunday things and in between simmering some soup on the stove, I thought I would write a post.

I wasn't sure if I was going to do a post on Jennifer Hudson. Mostly because I'm not the biggest fan of her music. Her voice is great and she's a great actress. But most of her songs just don't do much of anything for me. Also most of her live performances,  I just don't connect with her interpretation of what she is singing (she sings things way too low sometimes too). 

But there are some songs/performance I do really like.

First up Spotlight. I loved this song when it came out. And unfortunately, I connect with the lyrics more than I would like to. I've been in a controlling relationship, constant hits at my self-esteem, etc. I spent a lot of unhappiness and time waiting on the "change", it never happens. I learned the best thing is to leave and find someone who treats you how you want. I think this song has aged...not the best. But I still bump it.

I like If This Isn't Love. But I have to be in the mood for it. Otherwise...I tend to skip it.

Think Like a Man is the same. Sometimes I love this song. Sometimes it's a skip.

Most recent song of hers I really like is Memory from Cats. Back in the day, we had the play on VHS. I watched it...a lot. I did really like the play. But the movie looks like a disaster. So I will probably never watch it. I didn't like Memory at first. But it's grown on me over the years. I like her version. Sidenote- I love, love, love her eyeliner!

And favorite performance. This one is legendary to me. There are not many people that could sing And I Am Telling You quite like Ms. Holiday. But Hudson did great job. Although the original will always have my heart. I loved seeing them sing it together.

Now I have the sudden urge to watch Dreamgirls....

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