Monday, February 10, 2020

DIY Bath Salts

I had an amazing week and an amazing weekend. I went out of my birthday and turned up...which means my bodywas hurting the next day. Not as bad as last year surprisingly. It just kind of feels like I've done about 200 squats...I like the dance floor though. If i don't do a few simple things it can last as long as a week. The best thing I've found is a bath with epsom salts or sea salts. 

Or dead sea salts. 

And you can easily buy them, but recently I've been trying to DIY it myself. Which is much more cost effective. And more fun because you can control the scent you make!

It's easy. I just picked up dead sea salts in my local drugstore. Pour them in a old container, you can make as little or as much as you want.

Then I add a little carrier oil. You can use whatever you like. I've been using grapeseed because that's what I have. I really like it because it's not super oily. But you can use Coconut/Avocado/ Olive, or anything you want. 

Then just add whatever Essential Oils you like. Last time I used a Lavender Sage Essential oil blend from Eden's Garden. I loved that! This time around I used Eucalyptus, Lavender, and Rosemary. I used a total of 20 drops.  But it's best to do a little research on the proper dilution because all oils are different.

Shake, Shake, Shake!

And let it sit for a little while. That usually helps the oils really blend.  Today I used what I made immediately. I didn't have time to let it sit.

You can probably add coloring to it, as well as dried flowers to make it fancy. But so far I'm keeping it plain. 

And that's all! Easy and cost-effective! 

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