Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Lobster (Crab) Macaroni and Cheese

I made Macaroni and Cheese! 

In my mind, people that are able to make mac n cheese are unicorns. I'm not sure why in my head it's just one of those impossible things to make. I guess maybe because it's one of my favorite foods. Not everyone's mac and cheese is amazing. I grew up eating my Dad's version. That was the gold standard for me. But now? I know how to make it. I won't talk about my first complete failure- but I think it was because of the recipe, which came out of a children's book. Lesson Learned.

This version of mac n cheese was supposed to have Lobster. But I couldn't find it. And I looked hard. We even went to Cora (in France) and I couldn't find any. So I ended up buying a can of crab- but the good one. The kind that stays in the refrigerator. I was going to buy the King Crab but the store was out. This was a lot easier on my hands as I didn't have to shell it.

I'm going to write a few more details than I usually use. Because this is going to be my go to for mac n cheese. Not always with crab. But I want to write as many details that way I can re-create it when I need to. It's not something I would make often (those calories though). But every now and again..yes. 

I've never seen cream cheese in a macaroni and cheese recipe. And we don't usually use heavy cream. It's always been canned milk. I couldn't find gruyere cheese either, strangely enough. So I used the Parmesan cheese, cheddar cheese ( Cracker Barrel Age Reserved Cheddar), of course the cream cheese. And I substituted butter cheese for the Gruyere. I think that's a German cheese. I bought the better quality stuff instead of the mass packaged one. Idk if that makes a difference. But that's what I did.

I made the cheese sauce in a double boiler. It was really fun. I had no idea it was so easy to make a cheese sauce!  I'll just add that to the list of things I can do now.

I warmed the crab a little in the Olive Oil/Butter, Shallot Garlic Mixture. Just like instructed in the recipe- except I used crab instead of lobster. 

I was really nervous at that point because I didn't know if the cheese sauce was too liquidy but after I baked it- It was perfect! 

I even sprinkled breadcrumbs on top (Panko). The wheat ones. Because I was trying to be healthy.

I didn't take many pics of me making it. I was under time constraints. And I didn't really take a pic of the actual mac n cheese in a bowl. I was too busy stuffing my face. And also kinda lazy! 

And there it is. BOMB Mac n Cheese. 

I got the recipe from a blog called How Sweet Eats.  I definitely 100% recommend checking it out! 

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