Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Jill Scott

I'm super excited for this post, because I LOVE Jill Scott. Because of that I have a lot of songs by her so this might be a really long post. She is an extremely talented woman. Writer, Actress, beautiful voice, talented performer, poet....what doesn't she do?

I'm not sure exactly when I got into her music. I'm pretty sure it was when I went to college. But I definitely heard some of her songs on the radio before then. 

So we will start off with A Long Walk. Because it's one of my favorite songs. And I love the video. It's so simple and laid back. But she looks beautiful with her natural fro and smile and you don't see many videos that showcase natural beauty like that. Also...I love every lyric in this song. Makes me want someone just to walk with....

Next up He Loves Me ( Lyzel in E Flat). She has some bomb live versions of this song. But the recorded version is probably one of my favorites.  I played this song so much and even had it set as my ringtone in my college days. My friends thought I was in love...really it was my ringtone for everyone, he just happened to call a lot and it seemed like it was his ringtone 🤣. He wasn't all that tho...

Shame is my song, I was blasting this on my home from work but had to slow it down because there was ice on the road.....But anyway, this is one of those songs that just makes you feel good and boosts your confidence.  It it wasn't almost 1 in the morning I would be blasting it now. I love the music video too...

Womanifesto. I have to post this one. I love every single word. I can listen to it about 10 times in a row.  Maybe more.

Next up Golden. Because this is going to be my theme song. I'm 31 now, and I will be living my life like it's Golden. Yes, yes, yes.

Cross My Mind. I didn't understand this one until I got a little older. But when it first came out they played it ALL the time. I didn't love it until I listened to the lyrics. Really listened to them. This is my song for a certain someone. It's crazy how this song used to get me all in my feels. I have the big koolaide grin and everything. And I'm right there with her...right to the end...when she starts in on "But the reality, honestly.... you were never good for me, and I was never good for you." It used to be like the air got knocked out of me. But this is still my song and a nice emotional rollercoaster when I'm in the mood for it.

So in Love took a minute to grow on me. Now it's my Jam. Black love is beautiful. 

Other Songs I Love: 
Love Rain Original and the Remix- I love both versions. Again every lyric. I used to play both on repeat. 
Gettin' In The Way- I sing this song like someone is coming for my imaginary man. Haha.
It's Love
The Way- I love so much of that first album. I think it was my favorite...
Exclusively- Raheem, right?
Slowly Surely
One Time- You be the salt, I'll be your pepper, give you flavor forever----those lyrics though.
Whenever You're Around 
All I- On the After Hours Playlist
Come See Me- This one is another one for the After Hours playlist.
Hate On Me- Didn't Like this song at first. It really grew on me though.
So Gone
Kingdom Come- From the Kingdom Come movie. Kirk Franklin and Jill for the win! 
The Thickness- This is a powerful piece. I really would love for her to do a spoken word album. Or video. 
One is the Magic Number
Gimme- Such a fun song! 
Good Morning Heartache
Said Enough- Collab with Jill and Mr Bigg? Yes, please.
8 Minutes to Sunrise
Not Like Crazy
Spring Summer Feeling
Bedda At Home
The Fact Is I Need You 

I think that's all I have. Now I'm going to listen to her music for the next hour. 

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