Sunday, March 8, 2020

Pilaf Rice

It's been a very good weekend, except the food I just cooked. But everyone has an off day. Today was just mine. Either that or the recipe I tried was horrible. 

I was originally going to make something else but couldn't find rose water. I've been to a couple of German stores and can't find it anywhere so I think I will have order it. 

So I made the next rice recipe: Pilaf. And I can say this the worst rice recipe I've ever attempted to make. It's pretty complicated, with melting down sugar, adding spices oil and water. 

Soaking the rice, draining it, and boiling and draining again (I didn't drain the second time and my rice came out a little gummy and sticky. I hate draining hot rice and the flavor was already off. I think it was over salted. And the rice flavoring just wasn't my favorite. Just cumin in rice is a no go for me.

So the rice was nasty.

Then I tried to make honey garlic shrimp. But we are out of garlic. Except I didn't realize it until it was too late. So my was pretty good, a sweet and salty soy shrimp. Like the kind you find in shrimp fried rice. 

And then I made regular, old veggies. I keep intending to eat more veggies. And I've been failing for the most part. 

You can find the recipe here but I would advise against it. 

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