Friday, March 13, 2020

Plant Therapy Collected Essential Oil Blend Review

The world is crazy right now. I did a post a couple weeks ago talking about Corona...I didn't really think the Coronavirus was going to get that bad because everyone was made aware of it and I thought for sure every country was doing it's part to contain it. And here we are two months later and it's gotten worse and worse. I have a little bit of an obsessive personality, especially when it comes to highly contagious illness, so I read at least 5 coronavirus related articless a day. I'm not really worried about it for myself, but for immune-compromised people, older people, babies, pregnant women, people with existing conditions that make it harder to fight the virus. It was keeping me up at night.

One of those nights, I really needed to get to I pulled out my "Collected" oil, diluted it, rubbed it on my neck, under my nose, and arms. A few moments later all those worries quieted down, and another 30 minutes later I was finally able to fall asleep. 

Plant Therapy claims:
The last blend in the Inner Peace Set is Collected. It combines the lemony-woodsy aroma of Frankincense Carteriwith the intense, sweet, fresh citrus scent of Mandarin Essence.  Both these oils promote balanced and grounded feelings, which in turn helps give you a sense of clarity and keeps you centered. To round out this blend, Cedarwood Virginian and Vetiver add earthy, woody notes that can help calm your racing mind

It smells very strongly of mostly Frankincense. Which is what I believe grounds a busy  mind.  

I don't necessarily like the smell. It's like Frankincense with a hint of grape medicine. I don't know what Green Mandarin smells like, and I know it has Cedarwood and Vetiver, but I don't actually smell them. Vetiver is supposed to be really great for quieting your mind as well. 

I did try diffusing and didn't find the scent to be strong enough. It was light. I could only smell it in the corner it was diffusing if I hovered over it. 

It was part of the oil of the month, which means you can't buy it as a blend. Sometimes they will bring an oil back, I don't think they will with this one. Although I don't love the smell, I do like it because it works for it's intended purpose. It was the last of the Inner Peace Set. 

I have a little less than half the bottle now. I just used up a little bit of it to make bath salts...but I will most likely just save the rest for those restless nights where I can't turn my brain off and replace it with pure Frankincense when it's gone.

Frankincense (Carteri), Green Mandarin Fruit Extract, Virginian Cedarwood Oil, Vetiver 

Not my favorite, but it has it's uses! 

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