Saturday, May 30, 2020

Afghan Recipes: Sheerpira

Last year my mom and dad went to Qatar and they brought back what I'm very certain was Sheerpira. It was pretty good. Not my favorite because it was on the sweet side but it was OK. I love the cardamom/pistachio flavor. I came across a recipe and decided to give it a go for myself.

It's basically "milk fudge". You just build sugar/water for awhile and stir in powdered milk, cardamom, pistachios, walnuts and rose water. Then just let it set.

It was really easy..but unfortunately no where near as good as the one they brought back. I'm not the biggest fan and still have quite a bit left. I'm working on finishing up the rest of it.

Glad I tried to make it. But I'll be leaving this to the pro's from now on.

I'll still link the recipe as always. Just in case. 

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