Saturday, May 9, 2020

CND Stickey Anchoring Base Coat Review

I paint my nails a when I saw this on sale on Macy's website, I immediately wanted it. I had a super huge bottle of base coat from Sally's Beauty supply and it lasted forever so I wanted to have another huge bottle so I wouldn't have to worry about it for awhile. I love trying out new base coats. Unfortunately they can't ship nail polish to Germany,  so I asked for it for Christmas and my sister bought it for me ❤️.

CND claims:
Stickey™ base coat creates a soft, sticky layer that anchors nail color to the nail and improves wearability.

CND is responsible for Shellac. I've never actually tried it out. I almost invested in it for home use but since my nails are already weak, I didn't want to subject my nails to the removal process. Also...I like the change my polish on a although it sounds nice to have polish last that long, in reality it wouldn't work for me because I would be bored of the color quickly. 

Anyway...I had heard of sticky base coats for years. Orly has a popular one, which I want to try out eventually. For now...let's talk CND's base coat.

I don't have high expectations as far as base coat. I just want something that protects my nails from discoloration and makes my nail color last a little longer. If it makes my nail polish go on easier/smoother I would appreciate that too!

Unfortunately I don't feel like this base coat is as great as I was hoping. 

It has a bit of a blue tint. And it can translate onto the nails and change the final color of your nail polish, mostly with lighter colors. 

It doesn't go on glossy, so it doesn't really help shine. I had a base coat before that gave a bit of a glossy finish which helped the color layer to be glossier. 

It is a bit smoothing. 

I don't notice it being "sticky". Nor does it make my nail polish last longer. 

I'm guessing it works best with CND nail polishes...which I don't have any. I usually use OPI/Essie polishes.

Overall, it's a base coat I use because I have. I wouldn't buy it again because I think there are better base coats out there.  But I'm glad I got to try it out because otherwise I would still be curious about it. 

Had Sushi Night yesterday....😋 Can't wait for the next one! 

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