Saturday, May 9, 2020

Mustard Biscuits with Turkey and Cheese/ Mexican Lentil Stew

It's still so crazy the way the world has changed...masks are mandated now and every time I'm out I'm still look around in shock that everyone is wearing a mask. So many changes in the world. Just this past week there were two funerals in my family. One from Coronavirus, so taking every precaution is necessary. It's serious. 

My favorite activity to keep occupied with all this time in the house is cooking. So I still push on with trying at least one new recipe a week. Last week it was two.

The first was Mustard Biscuits. I wasn't the biggest fan of mustard growing up. So this recipe didn't really appeal to me but I figured I would try it anyway. This was a new biscuit entirely. You make the dough, form it into two 8 inch circles....stuff it with mustard, turkey (original recipe calls for ham but I don't eat ham) and cheese. I used Gouda because I hate swiss cheese.


Then you place the other 8 inch circle on top and bake. A big baked biscuit sandwhich. Which was actually pretty good. I sliced it into wedges and the whole thing was gone way too quickly!  I don't know if I would make it again....but it was good as something to try at least once. 

You can find the recipe here.

I also made Mexican Red Lentil Stew. I haven't made much Mexican food (which is a shame because I think it's some of my favorite food!). I love red lentils and have made a couple of recipes with it. This was my least favorite. 

Somehow I bought the driest celery. So that wasn't good. But even with my super dry celery...I just didn't really like the flavor. 

It was a chore to eat the leftovers. I think it was the recipe. If I came across a different recipe I would definitely try it out...but this didn't do it for me.

You can check the recipe for yourself here.

I didn't find any recipes that I will pin as favorites ..but as always it was fun to try something new! 

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