Wednesday, May 20, 2020

DIY Room Spray/Fabric Refresher

Tomorrow is my Friday. It's also Pay Day and we are headed into a four day weekend. I can't wait for the weekend! In the meantime, I blog. A DIY. Which I actually find really helpful for myself. A couple years back I made a DIY Bug spray and thought I didn't remember the mixture but I found it in my own blog post. #winning

Anyway today I'm posting my room spray/fabric refresher. Remember when Febreze came out. I was a little obsessed with that stuff and I aways had a stock of it. Especially living in a dorm room. I would clean my room and spray lots of Febreze and inhale. The only thing about it is that the ingredients are probably not the best thing to breathe into your lungs.

Now I have an alternative. It does have alcohol which I don't think is the best thing to inhale...but it's only small amount. And you can sub it out with Witch Hazel.

It's super easy. I use a 2 ounce spray bottle. Glass is best but I definitely recycle plastic bottles and make it plastic. I just use about an two teaspoons of alcohol. Add around 14 drops of essential oil. You can use more or less depending on your preferences. And fill the rest of the bottle with water.

Shake, Shake, Shake, and spray. 

You can use any essential oil you prefer. I think my favorite for room spray would be citrus oils  because they are very up lifting. I even spray it on my blanket/sheets. It's like crawling into a scented heaven. Although it would probably be better to use a calming blend for that purpose. 

It does have water in it (which anytime you use water in a DIY, you should use a preservative to prevent nasties from growing it in) , due to that it would probably be best to use it up within 3 days or store it in the refrigerator for up to a week or two. If you can I would recommend using distilled water or boiled and you can always half the recipe for smaller amounts. 

I'm a rebel so I don't.  But I know I should.

That's it, super easy, cost effective, and customizable. 

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