Friday, June 12, 2020

Keith Sweat

I'm a big fan of Keith Sweat. He's responsible for some of my favorite songs from the 90's. He's a great write, producer....I don't know if i would give him singing. His voice is definitely unique but has a tone I often make fun of...but I love it anyway. 

I heard his name a lot growing up..and remember going through my Dad's albums- he has quite a few of his albums. 

He's probably the artist most called out for begging. But..what's wrong with begging 🤔 Even though I make fun of it too. 

Anyway...these are the songs on my Sweat playlist. 

I think Nobody might be my favorite. I don't know. It's too hard to choose. But I remember back in the day  it used to come on a commercial..and I always wanted to play the song after...but I didn't have the CD. Pre-youtube days.  We didn't have music on demand. 

Actually...maybe Twisted is. Maybe. I love them both. They are both my favorite Keith Sweat songs. Twisted Nobody. 

Get Up On It is a classic. I wanted to post the live version but the quality wasn't that great. There are two versions of this song...this is hands down the best. I love the Bridge. 

I Want Her might be one of my faves. Just because this performance is so Keith Sweat. If you've seen a couple of his performances you'll notice one his moves is to walk to one side of the stage, do the Keith Sweat shake and then take these gigantic steps to the other side, Keith Sweat shake and repeat. Over and over again.

I'll Give All My Love to You is another classic. I thought this was slept on but it has 30 million views. 

I Want to Love You Down...this one is slept on. This song reminds me of another groups song. For some reason I'm not recalling which group. We won't talk about that dance move that happened at about 1.41. 

I'm Going for Mine is also a favorite. I Want to blast this one. 

There You Go Telling Me No Again. My Jam. I keep getting so caught up in these songs...I don't know if I'll finish this post anytime today. 

I actually have a few different versions of this song and I love them all. That almost never happens. I usually just pick a favorite version and keep that. I love the version by the Dramatics and Xscape. In the Rain is a classic no matter who sings it. 

Make It Last Forever is one of those songs I think everyone knows. Can't have a 90's playlist without it. 

I first heard this one as remake from Mario. I think he did the song justice. But....Sweat just owns the original. I love, love, love this song. 

Something Just Ain't Right. The Classics just don't end. 

Don't Stop Your Love is from the classic Make It Last Forever album. Thinking back, I think that album is one of my favorites. Top Five album for sure. 

And last song How Deep is Your Love. These songs are in no particular order. You absolutely can't have a Sweat playlist without this song.

Other classics:
Put Your Loving to the Test 

Has Keith Sweat gotten his props? Have they done a tribute to him? He's a legend.I really do love his music and when you take into consideration he had a hand in bring Silk to us....What would music be without him? 

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