Friday, July 10, 2020

Almond Flour Shortcakes

I don't bake much with alternative flours. Usually it turns out nowhere near as good as the gluten filled original. I tried making coconut flour pancakes (yuck) and a few other things before I basically gave up. Except the almond flour brownies I made a couple months ago, they ended up being my very favorite brownie recipe. Because of that recipe, I was excited for this one. 

First up- shortcake. I don't really eat shortcake and I've definitely never made one. So I was really into the idea of trying this one out. The way the description is written it makes it sound like they would be amazing with the addition of almond flour.

They weren't. Mine came out kinda crispy. Could have been my fault because I should have made them in the bigger oven. But it wasn't just that, it didn't really have a flavor. It wasn't sweet enough, and it was just plain old bland. 

I used fresh, sweetened strawberries. And homemade whipped cream and was really just disappointed with the whole thing.

If you must check out the recipe, I will link it here.

But I would advise not to! 

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