Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Kevin Lyttle

I've never had a song take me allll the way back like this song. I was in middle school when Turn Me On came out. I spent a lot of time listening to the radio back then. We were living in London at the time, so I'm not sure how much play this song got in the US, but they played this song all the time.

And I hated it. I thought he had the worst voice I had heard. And I would always change the radio station in disgust. I'm not sure what happened, but the song grew on me. Now it's my jam and when I hear it, I'm right there in my old bedroom, blasting it on my beloved stereo that had a CD player and Tape player. Good Times. 

I'm surprised it only has 50 million views.

And also..since I'm obsessed with Dance Central...gotta post the dance. I think I've only played this song on easy though. I need to fix that this weekend.

He was almost a one hit wonder, but I do like a song by Fyah.

I'm glad I did this post today, I needed a little upbeat music in my day today. This put a little pep in my step. 

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