Monday, August 3, 2020

Working Out...Again

I've worked out on and off for a couple years now but not regularly like I know I can. I started thinking back to what kept me accountable (way back in the day) and was blogging. So I decided to start again. 

I bought a new two piece dress  set and tried it fit perfectly. I felt great in it, but when I turned around.....My bottom half is getting out of control. So it's time to get to working out again and shrink some things. So I'm starting off slow. I'm not taking measurements. I just want to start off getting in some exercise everyday. 

So my plan for the next couple of weeks is to play Zumba World Party. I want to play through the countries, I started off playing through Brazil yesterday. I played Dance Central for a minutes.

Then on the days I'm not playing Zumba, I want to do a short dumb bell workout. I just search on youtube and did a short one. Nothing major. Today I did arms. My arms are probably going to hurt tomorrow 😩

. But it will be worth it. I'll probably do legs on Wednesday and Core on Friday.

So that's the goal for the next few least until I get through all the countries. Then I will start a workout, workout. Bringing out all my old Xbox games. 

I'm feeling motivated. And this will hold me accountable. 

Wish me luck! 

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