Sunday, August 2, 2020

Marinated Mushrooms

I made donuts today...or I'm in the process of waiting for them to rise so I figured I would knock out a quick post. 

This week I tried a recipe for marinated mushrooms. I have a hate/hate relationship with mushrooms. I've always hated them growing up but thought I would grow out of it like i did with onions. Not so much. I can handle eating them now though, they don't make me feel like gagging anymore- progress.

I can deal with fresh mushrooms but you will never see me eating mushroom from a can. A jar..IDK. Anyway, marinating your own mushrooms is super easy as I found out and once you have them made you can pop them into literally anything you make.

I plan on making mushroom sandwiches tomorrow, but yesterday and today I popped them along with some peppers and cheese into an omelet. They would probably be ok on pizza.

It was nice to branch out and try something I would normally never, ever make. But I'm still not a big fan of mushrooms. But if you are and never marinated your own I would recommend trying it out. 

I had a bowl full but I'm currently too lazy to run downstairs and take a pic. 

I'm not the best at making omelets, but I think I did alright...

You can find the recipe here.

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