Thursday, September 3, 2020

Plant Therapy Bergamot Essential Oil Review

I almost was going to just let this week ride and not write any posts....I've been bitten by the lazy bug. I just want to relax and watch movies once I get off of work. With my big blanket -now that it's gone from blazing hot to cold. Or take a bath and read. Which is what I did yesterday.  But I figured I could at least get one post up. So here we are.

Plant Therapy claims:
Bergamot Essential Oil is a favorite amongst essential oil users for its citrusy, uniquely vibrant scent with a touch of floral, and for its many therapeutic properties. The lovely aroma of Bergamot Essential Oil is known to support mental health and clarity by providing a boost to the mind. It can also help ease feelings of anxiety, especially during times of sadness and grief. Bergamot Essential Oil is gentle for DIY skincare and helps support skin health for acne-prone or oily skin. This essential oil can also be added to massage blends to help reduce muscle tension and give relief from tightness caused by a hard workout. To learn more about Bergamot's uses and benefits, check out our Bergamot Essential Oil spotlight blog post.

10 ml for $ 8.85

Bergamot sounds like a serious oil. Or at least it does to me. I didn't know what to expect, even though I've smelled it over and over in my favorite tea- Earl Grey. From the name I didn't expect it to be from a citrus. 

It's a bight, happy, and somehow peppery scent. I LOVE the way bergamot smells. And how calming it is. I think Bergamot has a greater calming effect on me than Lavender. I had forgotten about it but lately I've been inhaling it before bed and I've actually been able to get to sleep on nights I typically don't get any sleep.

Which can also explain the energizing, yet calming effect I get when I drink the tea. I get enough caffeine that it wakes me up, and I also notice I tend to sleep better on days I've had it. Which is not typically true for me as I am extremely caffeine sensitive. 

It's nice for diffusing- but kind of light. It's not one that's going to knock you over with just a few drops. I haven't used it in very many DIY's. I did a rollerball with Lavender- but I don't find it as calming as the oil is on it's own. The Lavender I have now acts as a stimulant for me. 

I just read it's great for sore muscles. I do need to try it on that but I think I'm too stuck on Eucalyptus since it works so well and I think is more cost effective.

I do have another bottle of this..but from Eden's Garden that is all ready to be opened once this one is gone.

I haven't really experimented with Blending it much. But I can't think of an oil this wouldn't work with. 

As always check the safety information before you use any oils. Especially around pets or if you are on any medications. 

Overall, love it. This is a MUST HAVE oil for me. And I will be getting the big bottle next time I restock this oil. 

Now I'm off to try the diffuser blend on their page with equal parts grapefruit, bergamot, and patchouli.

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