Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Workout Update- The Biggest Loser Complete

 I finished my program on Saturday and did all workouts intended except one. But I'm OK with that since I did work out 6 other days that week. 

I'm going to take the next two weeks to play at least 30 minutes of Just Dance daily...and maybe a quick ten minute youtube workout.

I'm happy I was able to get through the program. I find it boring but usually by the time I was about to finish I would be really happy I worked out. The best thing was feeling myself get stronger as I did some of the arm and leg exercises. I really felt the difference in as little as a week and at the end of the four weeks I felt strong.  

I didn't lose anything. Finally got a scale so I can take my weight. I did take my measurements. Doubt I lost anything. But I'll keep at it. My main goal is health. 

I already bought my reward...which was a bunch of Lush stuff and in two weeks I'll be ready to start a new program. 

I did want to eat more vegetables. Which I really have pushed myself and have eaten so many veggies this past couple of weeks. Of course, I want to eat more. So I'm going to continue working on it. 

Wish me luck! 

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