Friday, November 27, 2020


 I hope everyone had an amazing (safe!) Thanksgiving! I did, I really took the time to think about all I am I'm grateful for-one of them being the ability to cook. Because I did my THING in the kitchen this year. Everything from scratch- I made cranberry sauce, candied sweet potatoes, a big ol' Tomahawk steak, and collard greens (I was lucky and found some fresh ones!).  Oh and cornbread. And it was all super good. 

I had good music. And good food. Christmas music. But today I'm not sharing  Christmas music. But it's coming. 

Anyway, I have two favorite songs by Lakeside. We've got Fantastic Voyage. If you are feeling down, this is the song to listen to. Can't resist dancing and singing to this one. All made from live instruments. I miss that era of music

I love this one too- I'll be There Knocking. Although it doesn't get the shine it deserves. 

And that's all!

Except I wanted to share my food pics 😁

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