Sunday, December 27, 2020

Cardamom Maple Banana Rice Pudding

It seems like it's been awhile since I posted anything I've made. But I've definitely been cooking more than I ever have. Just not from my dedicated list...that forces me outside my zone. 

This time..Rice Pudding. I cook things from an Afghan website..but I find the ingredients lacking and missing things and everything comes out really sweet. So instead of following the recipe..I took the cardamom spice inspiration and just made a random rice pudding recipe. Which I never realized how easy it was to make. Mine came out a little hard. I think I cooked it too high. But it was still very easy to make.

Then I added maple syrup to sweeten, some cardamom, and bananas. And it was decent. Although I think I would be more in a cinnamon vanilla flavor. But I have lots of arborio rice left over to work on it.

I would make rice pudding again..and I like the flavoring...but not enough to make the one I made again. Also too lazy to find the recipe.

So I'm just posting a picture. 

Looks Dry 😂

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