Sunday, December 6, 2020

Lauryn Hill

Usually music is my happy place, but not today. Usually I would be so hype about this post, I love Lauryn Hill...and I still do. Hopefully going through some of my favorites by her picks me up a little. 

Lauryn Hill is one artist that I (and a lot of other people) wish had released more music. Artist deserve whatever break they want to take..but I really wish she had released more albums. I needed more Lauryn in my life. 

One of my favorites "The Sweetest Thing". I love her voice...and when she starts off talking about kisses on collar bones. Yep, I feel that. This song just does something to me. I'm kinda wondering how I never saw the music video for this one.

I think Ex-Favtor is one of the greatest songs ever. And...even though I don't want to admit it, I've been through this and feel this song. Especially "No ones hurt me more than you, and no one ever will". I can listen to this song on repeat endlessly. This live performance was everything. 

How is there only 80 million views on this? Lauryn is so gorgeous, every time I watch one of her videos I just want to play in the 90's style making. It's really once of my favorite decades of makeup. 😍

Doo Wop is my favorite. I think I'm saying that about every song...and I mean it each time. No one means it more than me.I'm still struggling to learn some of the lessons in this song. Usually I'm a fast learner but we all struggle sometimes, right?

Lost One's is on the "greatest diss tracks of all time" list. Mmmhmm. Says all you need to know.

It's Lauryn and by B-day Twin Bob Marley. I have a few versions of this song, but this one is definitely my favorite. 

Other Lauryn Classics:
Nothing Even Matters- I mean it's Lauryn and D'Angelo. So you already know
Tell Him- I almost missed this song. The only reason I caught on was because another artist covered it and then I realized how beautiful this version was. The other one was good...but nothing on this.

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