Sunday, February 28, 2021

Gyudon and Vitamix Lemon Ginger Muffins

 I definitely have not been posting as I figured I had better crank out a post or two. I also haven't been cooking as much. I don't think. I can't remember. It feels like this last month has been a blur. I did make a Gyudon "bowl" a few weeks ago. And made Lemon Ginger muffins today. Rather than two posts...I figured I would combine them.

I don't think I've ever made anything Japanese. Most of it seems more difficult to cook (although it probably isn't). And sourcing ingredients....for anything other than basic stuff is a little hard too. Anyway, I thought I would have to slice the rib-eye myself but my favorite meat market (Zemo) had it sliced up. So I figured this was the recipe for me.

It was actually very easy. The only part I had a hard time with was the egg. I don't think I did it right because...well, look at it! But it tasted amazing. I think I might skip the egg next time. Or look up more vids on youtube before I try it again. But I am definitely trying it again! I'm going to try and keep some of the sliced meat on hand and freeze it so I can have it ready to go.

You can find the recipe here (and I highly recommend it) 

The muffins took me awhile to make because I couldn't find candied ginger. So I decided to candy it myself. And it's so easy..I wondered why I haven't done it before? I think I will use all my leftover ginger by candying it. It's good for you..maybe except for the sugar. Anyway, these muffins use a lotta lemon zest. So they are nicely lemony and a little gingery. But very good. I think the flavor will be even better tomorrow. 

They were really good...and it is definitely a recipe I would make again. I got the recipe from my Vitamix cookbook but found it posted on this site.

Success in the kitchen! 

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