Monday, March 29, 2021

Samples Review: Glam Glow Moisture Trip Moisturizer, Innisfree Intensive Hydrating Serum with Green Tea, Trish McEvoy Triangle of Light Eye Mask

 Another batch of samples. I feel like it's been forever since I've done one of these posts..but I got my hands on a few samples...and it's not likely I will buy any of these so may as well review. 

Glam Glow Moisture Trip Omega Rich Moisturizer

Lasting Hydration-Anti Redness- Anti-Oxidants- Blue Light Protection

I had another sample from Glam Glow years back and don't recall being very impressed with it. This I liked a little better until I noticed extra texture on my skin. The sample lasted a couple days. It went on hydrating, and my skin looked glowy...but I woke up looking greasy. Initially I thought I would like it ..but not so. The third ingredient is hemp seed oil. It has Shea Butter, Ginger Extract, and Vitamin E further down but the majority of the ingredients aren't that impressive. It seems it has been discontinued from what I could find and it won't be missed by me. It was probably over-priced anyway. The blue light protection is an interesting concept though.

Innisfree Intensive Hydrating Serum with Green Tea

I'm fascinated by the fact that is contains green tea extract. Especially the green tea extract from Jeju. Back in the day when Teavana was still open I actually had a tea from there which is cool. I had two sample packets. I used them a few weeks apart. First thing I noticed was the the scent. It's a little on the stronger side and reminds me of mens cologne. It's very thin and goes on nicely. Makes your skin look immediately healthy and glowy. The price isn't great but not horrible either at $27 for 2.7 ounces. But I'm not into most of the other ingredients. It also has alcohol high in the ingredient list. I know alcohol is supposed to help ingredients penetrate skin deeper but..I just don't really like so much of it. I wouldn't buy a full size but it was fun to try! 

Trish McEvoy Triangle of light Eye Mask 

I've had this in my drawer forever. I guess I was saving it for a special occasion or just when my eyes are really struggling. Usually my dark circles really aren't that bad. I found it nice. It felt cooling going on and just refreshing. I let is sit while I got dressed. And I feel like it really did something. My under eye area was subtly brighter and just looked better. The ingredients are alright. But still overall, I don't think it's a necessity. I should have tried a slice of cucumber on the other side to compare. I probably wouldn't rebuy because it's $69 for 8 and I really don't have anywhere to go that it would make a difference. 

And that's all! 

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