Thursday, March 18, 2021

Sweet Potato Biscuits

 I feel like I've made almost every type of biscuits and so many things with Sweet Potato. Sweet potato burgers, sweet potato enchiladas, sweet potato pound cake,  sweet potato cheesecake etc. But never sweet potato biscuits. 

And...they were just OK. I wouldn't make these again..but I would make another recipe for sweet potato biscuits. Not for awhile though.

I was all ready to make the best dinner ever. Roasted Sweet potatoes, steamed green beans, rib eye steak, and these biscuits. But of course, I didn't read the instruction until the day of, which is when I found they are supposed to be made a day ahead. Whoops. So I made the dinner anyway...forgot the take a picture. And saved the biscuits for the next day. 

. Like I said. They were aight. Could have been because I subbed nutmeg for mace. 

Click here for the recipe. Or not.

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