Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Coconut Chicken with Sweet Chili Dipping Sauce

 Coconut Fried Chicken Strips really. I've made Coconut Curry chicken. More than a few times. I love it and should actually make it again if I can remember how I made it before. Anyway, one of the first real recipes I tried back in high school was coconut shrimp. I kept seeing commercials for it from Red Lobster...and I wasn't going to Red Lobster (I didn't have Red Lobster money). So we made a copy cat recipe. It was pretty good. But I didn't know if it would be nice on chicken. is! The coconut is very light. I really liked it but I feel like it was missing something. I think if I made it again I would add more salt and cut the chicken into smaller bits so that way there is more coconut since there would be less surface area (if that makes sense). Like popcorn chicken.  I had mine with broccoli and the sweet chili sauce. And some black beans but I didn't take a picture.

I think I would have liked it more with a spicy sauce. But the sweet chili was nice. Almost like sweet and sour but not quite. 

 I like how light the coating is and that the coconut is kinda an"Is there really Coconut on here? Hmmm"

You can find the recipe here 

I think I'm gonna pin it and make a few changes to make it perfect for me and pin it as a favorite anyway!

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