Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Harry Potter Unofficial Cookbook. English Fried Eggs and a Gammon of Bacon

 Today is a good day, or a great day! I feel like we've all been on pins and needles watching the trial. I'm so relieved to see a guilty verdict. Now hopefully some real change and reform can start. But I won't talk about it anymore because...I try to keep my blog my escape for reality because it can really take a toll on you mentally. It definitely does for me.

Todays escape was making myself breakfast for dinner. I finally bought the Harry Potter cookbook...and I'm really excited to start making things from it. I decided to start with the first recipe. It isn't remarkable. Just eggs and bacon. Which used to be a breakfast for queens. I love the little backstory that's provided in the book.


Anyway, I also made some toast, fried tomatoes, and chopped strawberries to go alongside it. Just to fill up the plate a bit.

I found beef bacon in the store (pork bacon makes me nauseous so I skip it!). 

 And then I made some tea to go with it. A Victorian London fog. This one is cool because it has little Lavender buds in it. You can't taste it but I like the idea of it being in there.

I should make this for myself for breakfast one day...or just make a nice breakfast more often. 

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