Saturday, May 8, 2021

Lush Golden Pear Soap Review


 Blog time! More soap. Another pear soap. I hadn't used anything pear scented and now...I'm on my second pear scent this year. I wish there was more pear scented stuff, I think it's just a hard scent to capture. 

Lush claims:

A delicious pear purée Christmas soap that leaves skin soft and sweetly scented of fruit desserts while being completely plastic-free.

It is part of Lush's Christmas collection and has come out for a few years now. The only thing is before it was a billion times cuter. With a moisturizing middle.

 How could they get rid of that design and go with the most boring slab ever? IDK.

Anyway, as for scent I was kind of expecting a bakery scent. Actually it smells like a barely there spiced juicy fruit bubble gum. Maybe like Juicy Fruit gum with a hint of crustless apple pie. A tiny hint though.

I used to be addicted to Juicy Fruit gum. But here the scent is light. It doesn't stick to you, doesn't scent up the bathroom. Idk, I think it could be better.

It works nicely though....but be careful of the exfoliation. It almost hurts. Which I kinda like sometimes cause then I know the dead skin is being sloughed off.  But definitely be gentle. I'm not sure what it is that's giving it the exfoliation. Maybe bit of pear? 

I did find it to be a tad on the drying side. 

And I also found it to melt really quickly.

The ingredients are really cool. It actually has pureed pears in it which is supposed to be cleansing and loaded with vitamins. Unique for sure. I wish they would do away with adding the propylene glycol to their products. But I do love that they use fair trade ingredients as well as plastic free glitter.


Water, Propylene Glycol, Fair Trade Cocoa Butter, Extra Virgin Cocoa Butter, Organic Castor Oil, Pear Puree, Sodium Hydroxide, Perfume, Synthetic Glitter, Cardamom Oil, Brazilian Orange Oil, Sandalwood Oil, Glycerin, Titanium Dioxide, Citric Oxide, Silica, Baking Soda, Citronellol, Coumarin, Eugenol,  Limonene, Colour 

Overall, I thought I was going to like it more than I did.  If it was actually pear shaped this year, it would have given it a boost. 

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