Sunday, May 30, 2021

MAC 214 Short Shader Brush Review


 I'm in between trying to convince myself to get another workout in. I just walked my four miles and now I want to finish up the day by getting in a little hip hop dance workout (from my Xbox game Your Shape Fitness Evolved). Since I needed a little break...time to review an old brush from my collection. I bought this brush a few years back, it's long discontinued and I don't know of any other brush like it but I like to review it anyway.

MAC Claims:

Short, rounded, double-chiselled brush with soft, natural bristles. Can be used with shadow to line and smudge around the lash line and very effective for densely shading lids.

I don't even know what I bought this brush for specifically. I think I was just in my gotta collect them all phase and didn't have anything similar. Honestly, most of the time it gets no use until I told myself I really wanted to go ahead and review it.

 It's a natural hair brush. Which MAC has long since discontinued sadly. It's mostly soft depending on how you use it. For an ignored brush I've actually discovered it has a lot of applications.

You can use it to add some color under your eyes. It is very specific in placement so it doesn't blow the color out. You can use it to pack color on the lid but it would probably be better to choose another brush like the 239 or the 242 brush. 

 Where it shines is when you are doing those 70's style Twiggy kinda look. If you work on your technique and practice it really makes easy work of drawing that line on your eye. I've never actually been able to get it quite right until this brush (even though I still need to work on making it even). 

 The only comparable brush I have is the cheap $1 Elf shader brush. The Elf is larger, scratchier, and can't really get that line that the MAC one can. At least not for me. I'm not really a big fan of the Elf one, I guess I just keep it cause I don't want to throw it out. 

Overall, not as useless as I once thought. Although it's not one that will see a ton of use, I am glad to have it in my collection. 

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