Monday, June 7, 2021

Avocado Oil

 Did you know it's chocolate ice cream day? I just mixed up my very first ice cream base. I've been wanting to make ice cream for years. Only just now did a recipe pop up for me in my long list of things to make. I need to let it chill overnight and then I will be all ready to put in the ice cream maker to churn tomorrow.  Exciting stuff, for me at least. 

Anyway Avocado Oil. I like to play with different oils in my Shea Butter mixes and skin care/body oils. Most of the time I will just pick up an oil in the grocery store rather than order because it's cheaper and food grade so must be safe, although in one of the books I had they recommend not using food grade oil. I'll probably keep on using it because I don't see any real issue with it.

Avocado is definitely a pricier oil. It's definitely a richer, more hydrating oil the most as well. It's supposed to calm and heal itchy dry skin, hydrate and moisturize and protect against UV damage. It's also really great for hair, specifically dry hair. 

I tried it on my face. And it was not for me. It clogged up my facial skin and caused breakouts so I discontinued using it on my face quite early on. 

If you are a DIYer, this oil is great in Shea Butter mixes. Lately I've been mixing into my little Shea Butter mixes with Almond oil and essential oils. And it really kicks up the hydrating/moisture level up a notch. Especially compared to the Fractionated Coconut Oil I was using before. I haven't used it a ton in my hair, but my hair loves it! It really is nicely hydrating. 

It's a little more on the pricy side but considering how little I need to use per batch I mix up and the benefits, I think it's worth it. 

I had a small bottle from Now...which was very different to this oil. That one just looked like oil, this one is light green in color and just thicker overall. There is a big different in quality. I would definitely stick to picking this up in the grocery store.

I should probably get a bottle to keep in the kitchen for cooking too! 

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