Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Luther Vandross

 It's been a rough week and I've only worked one day so far. Four more to go. So this post is just in time. My favorite thing to do when I feel stressed is listen to music. One of my favorite artists to listen to of all time...without a doubt is Luther.

His voice is magic. Combine that with some amazing lyrics, production. It doesn't get any better. No matter how stressed I am, I always feel better at the end of a Luther session. So let's get started.

I don't know where to start so I'm just going in iTunes order. I'll try to pick a live version for each song.

 Let's start with Any Love. Ya'll remember sequins? I wonder if those are gonna make a comeback anytime soon.

Obviously this was THE Concert but I love, love, love the song For You to Love. If I had a time machine I would take myself to this concert.

Then we have Superstar. I know they were still playing these on the oldies stations when I still listened to them. It's a beautiful song. Long. But a beautiful song.

Dance with My Father is another beautiful song/video. The song makes me sad, it might the only song of his that can make me cry. He didn't get to perform this one live. Probably around this album is when I knew who Luther was because my Dad bought this one and I loved being all up in his albums. 

If I Didn't Know Better is my jam. For some reason it reminds me of a Bobby Womack song (I Wish He Didn't Trust Me So Much). No live version 😩

Think About You is my jam too! I listen to this song and smile so hard my face feels like it might crack.

Bad Boy Having a Party is a nicer upbeat one. Makes me want to go to a house party.

Forever, For Always, For Love was remade by Lalah Hathaway and it was the only version I knew until I realized Luther was the originator. I love both version so I have them both.

So Amazing is one of my top three Luther songs.The lyrics are just too goodt! Chatge Moore did a really nice version of this song as well! 

Here and Now seemed to be a radio favorite. I love it too though so I can see why.Ya'll see (and hear Lisa Fischer?She's actually in a lot of his live performances doing her thing) 

We have If Only for One Night. Classic. Also you might notice it's been sampled quite a few times so if you don't know the song it might sounds familiar anyway.

Next Up, Wait For Love. I love, love, love this one. Beautiful song and that voice. 😍 Also 2:36 he does that signature LuLu thing☺️

We've Got Love The One You're With. Love, love, love this one too. Life Lessons here. I love the gospel influence here.

Next up, we have The Impossible Dream. Truthfully I kinda forgot about this one. I like it, but it's one I have to be in the mood for.

Don't Want to Be a Fool is another one I adore. I really almost posted a completely different song here. But I found the right one. This one speaks to me though.

And Now, my second favorite song by Luther. I love this song so much, I can listen to it and press the repeat button endlessly. Just listen to it 50 times in a  row. It's Never Too Much

We are almost to the end. Gotta share this performance of A House is Not a Home. This is originally Ms. Dionne Warwicks song but Luther just brought some magic to this song and really made it his. No one can sang thing like Mr. Vandross. No one. That was me getting tripped up and confused on whether a chair is a chair or if it's a house or what is it really. (JK). Hello, Bye Bye, Baby. In the Top 5 songs for sure! One of his very best performances, I enjoyed him here. 

And now my favorite, favorite, no contest Luther song. I LIVE for this song. It's my favorite song of all time. I like Marvin and Tammi Terrell's version but this one...I can't explain. It just does it for me.

Bonus: Two Christmas Songs. I usually skip Christmas Albums but Luther knew how to put out a beautiful Christmas song..so it was a Christmas album worth listening to. 

First up, Every Year Every Christmas. It's kind of a sadder Christmas song. 

And that's all. I definitely feel a million times better than I did when I started this post. Listening to one of my all time faves will do that though. 

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